Video Conferencing: Technology prevents travel and connects teams

[eBook] How to decide between solutions and lower travel costs

  • Where to start?

    For companies that need to bring together teams of employees, suppliers, and customers, videoconferencing is a solution that enables professionals to hold meetings remotely and communicate as if they were face to face.

    From the eBook 'Videoconferencing: Technology saves travel and connects teams', developed by Nap IT expert Gustavo Emerim, you will find that videoconferencing can serve companies of any market segment and any size, but before integrating this system, it is I need to evaluate the solutions best suited to the usage profile.

  • Infrastructure

    The transmissions quality during videoconferencing meetings is directly linked to the systems integration quality. Even adopting the best solution, it is essential that the environment infrastructure be evaluated, scaled and appropriate to receive the technologies.

  • Benefits


    Connection between geographically distant teams;

    Real time document exchange;

    Access to information from anywhere and anytime.

    Track and evaluate how video conferencing can change your company's communication strategies for the better.

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